Monday, October 24, 2011

My gf trip to Seoul

So i got nothing interesting to talk bout myself,just wanna share my gf's recent trip ti nice for her able to go there while im stucked in office. Anyway, she went there for almost a week and the weather just start to get chilly as its entrring aumtumn seasons. She told me the place was very nice and good place to shops for cheap and quality shoes..that's very tempting and im sure i wanna go there if i got the chance. I am really happy to see that you had fun on your trips with your friends and really nice to see you at the airport last few days when you came back.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK UGM) menempati posisi ranking ke-21 kawasan Asia versi QS.

Dengan peringkat itu, FK UGM berada di posisi pertama dari Indonesia mengalahkan Fakultas Kedokteran maupun Fakultas yang terkait dengan life science and medicine dari perguruan tinggi lain seperti UI (peringkat 25) dan ITB (46).

Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM, Prof dr Ali Ghufron Mukti, MSc, PhD mengatakan beberapa faktor yang membuat FK UGM berada pada posisi tersebut, antara lain, dari jumlah penelitian/publikasi ilmiah.

Termasuk juga, kerja sama dengan luar negeri, jumlah mahasiswa internasional serta inovasi yang terus digencarkan, dan manajemen berbasis balance score card.

By the way, the reason i blog about this is my gf studied here and she just finished her study and proud to say that my gf studied at the renowned university to the world :) i'm so proud of you my dear.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jogja Trip

It has been a week ftom my last trip to Jogja. Definitely something to remember since that was the last time i went there as my gf finished her study already and coming back to Malaysia this weekend. I'm definitely going to miss Jogja and for me it's the best place to go in Indonesia if you really want to relax and just feel free from the city hactic. Some of the picture in Jogja.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

So the world was shocked by the death of apple founder Steve Jobs. He suffered pancreas cancer and died at the age of 56. He is truly a legend and is close to become "Tony Stark" in real world. Risk taker as what people said, he kept on going when other peoples fail. We all gonna miss him and his signature "black shirt" when he introduces new gadget.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Helping my gf

So i just got a favor from my gf...i have to find current issues in Malaysia for her interview with SPA nextweek. I have to keep updated on latest news inside Malaysia and inform to my gf..she's in Yogyakarta still for her interview for the housemanship later in Malaysia. Dah la jarang watch news and read paper..and now i have to do that pulak...but that's okay tho,for love you'll do almost everything for your loved one :-)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Another day at the office

So i just cameback from my long worth holiday and start my work for this October month. This should be a good month to hit my target since we have no more "top" in our team...let's just hope that i can hit as much as i can this month to cover for last month losses.